Enrichment Classes
Art education is an important part of the curriculum at St. Catherine Labouré School. All students enjoy weekly instruction where they are encouraged to express themselves through a variety of mediums and artistic styles.Preschool: We practice our fine and gross motor skills through a variety of projects. We love using paint, glue, crayons, and markers!
Grades K-2: Through art, students learn to explore a variety of media and express their own ideas with increasing confidence. They will demonstrate the elements of line, shape, color and texture in their art work.
Grades 3-5: Using a variety of art media, the students learn to use the elements of space, value and form to demonstrate three-dimensional drawing skills. They acquire problem solving skills to create more challenging visual works of art.
Grades 6-8: Students build upon their knowledge of the elements of art with an emphasis on design. They use their advancing problem solving skills to create a variety of original works of art. Students also learn to observe and interpret meaning from art past and present.
At SCL, we believe that art develops the whole brain, teaches problem solving, improves performance, supports emotional intelligence and awakens the senses. The students amazing artwork can be viewed throughout the halls of our school.
During the year at St. Catherine Labouré your child is involved in many musical activities! From their regular music classes that meet once a week to all the performances throughout the year, SCL is a very musical community!
Music classes focus on singing both secular and sacred music. Each week we prepare liturgical music for mass on Wednesday as well as learn new fun songs that all students love!
The performances during the year start at the beginning and don’t ever stop! Depending on what grade your child is in determines what performances they will be in. Here are just a few of the various performances that take place throughout the year:
- Christmas Show
- Catholic School Sunday
- Grandparents Day
- St. Joseph’s Day Table
- Talent Show
If your child is in 4th through 8th grade they have the opportunity to join the choir! Choir sings at Wednesday masses, the Christmas Show and the Talent Show. It is a fantastic place to enhance music education outside of regular music classes.
Physical Education / Gym
The goals of the SCL Physical Education Program are to promote regular physical activity and to develop lifelong sports and leisure habits. P.E. is taught twice a week to students in all grades, PreK-3 through 8th.
Our focus is on teaching the skills and knowledge of a variety of sports and activities. Students will understand the proper techniques used, the basic rules, and the history of each sport that is studied. Among our curricular units are a study of volleyball, dance, basketball, soccer, and more. By learning about these sports and activities, our students not only gain an understanding of their own personal wellness, but they also build problem solving strategies, teamwork, life management skills, and character development.
The Physical Education Program is focused on teaching all students both physically and mentally and preparing all of our students for a lifetime of healthy living.
¡Bienvenidos a las Clases de Espanol! | Welcome to Spanish Classes
Hi, I’m Mrs. Dara Ury, and I’m pleased to be teaching Spanish at SCL. Below are class descriptions based on grade level ranges. Studies have shown that students learn a second language best if they are immersed in the target language at a very young age. This means our pre-K program is the perfect time to start learning Spanish! As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].
In Preschool, we focus on exposure to the Spanish language and culture in 10-20 minute intervals once a week. Students learn about colors, numbers, shapes, clothing, body parts, and school items in Spanish through songs, activities, games and craft projects all with directions in Spanish. By the end of December, many pre-K students will be able to follow all of the teacher’s directions in Spanish without English or Total Physical Response (a method used to physically show actions and words, in place of translation).
Kindergarten: All classes are taught in Spanish. Students learn new vocabulary and colors, shapes, numbers, body parts, and explaing feelings through Total Physical Response activities, as well as songs and games. In addition, writing activities in Spanish are introduced.
1st-3rd Grade: All classes are taught in Spanish and with Total Physical Response. Students complete more written and craft activities with oral and written directions in Spanish. In addition, many lessons incorporate the different content area subjects such as math, science, and talking about a story we have read.
4th/5th Grade: All classes are initially taught in Spanish with English to back up important grammatical checkpoints, and to check understanding of oral and written directions. Students learn how to construct more complex sentences in Spanish, as well as how to tell time, ask and answer questions with each other, and enhance vocabulary through different projects.
6th-8th Grade: All classes are taught in Spanish, with an emphasis on oral communication. This is to prepare students for classes at our local high schools at Level 2 Honors, where all classes are taught in Spanish. Students focus on asking and answering questions in Spanish about stories and chapter books they have read. In addition, advanced grammar is taught and applied in many different projects, speaking, and writing opportunities.
In the 8th grade, students prepare for the Spanish placement tests at the various local high schools. These normally take place before Winter Break or shortly thereafter in January.
Technology classes are a key component of the SCL curriculum, as we strive to prepare our students for a computer-driven world. Students learn everything from the basics of Microsoft Office to building their own web pages. We also integrate the skills learned in technology with the content from other core subjects to create authentic opportunities to apply learning.
Our technology curriculum is designed to build competency and computing techniques from year to year. Pre-kindergarten through 2nd grade students focus on the correct use of the computer and on basic Microsoft Office operations. They will apply these skills as they create projects in a variety of formats. Students in grades 3 through 8 focus on developing keyboarding skills and on more advanced operations of the software that they will utilize in high school.
Our 3rd through 8th graders utilize Google Classroom using Chromebooks and Windows PCs. Students have their own Google Drive accounts where they can create documents, presentations, and drawings. The students also learn how to use photo editing software and they will learn how to create and maintain a website using HTML coding.
Our technology classes meet twice a week in our newly-renovated technology lab located within our library. When it is not used for technology classes, other subject areas have access to this equipment. It is the central hub of all educational technology used in our school.
Lessons on Common Sense Media are used for each grade from kindergarten through 8th grade. These lessons are about good digital citizenship, cyberbullying, and staying safe online.
Students visit the library once a week for literacy and to borrow books.
Enrichment Classes

Lego Class

Beautiful artwork created by students in the after school class.