Primary Grades K-2
St. Catherine Labouré kindergarteners gain an understanding and belief in God through moral teachings. Kindergarten emphasizes prayer, understanding, and God’s love for us all. We learn this through Bible Stories, attending Mass, and love for one another.
In Kindergarten, students learn to read and write with understanding. We focus on concepts of print, the alphabet, and sight words.
Kindergarten math focuses on counting, addition and subtraction, and hands-on experiences to learn different math concepts.
Each student at St. Catherine Labouré is a positive and successful member of our loving and learning community.
1st Grade
In first grade, we learn that God is essential and central in our lives. We understand that God is a loving Father. We strive to become moral and empathetic people. We achieve this through our curriculum, using the Bible, prayer, attending Mass, and by example.
Academically, we strive to make the transition from Kindergarten to First Grade easy and successful. Our number one goal is learning to read as this is the key to success in all subjects as our education continues.
In math, we continue to build on previous math skills. We progress to regrouping in addition and subtraction, fractions, geometric shapes, time and money.
Each child is recognized as a unique individual, each child is an important part of our classroom and school community.
2nd Grade
This is an exciting year in the lives of second graders. Many are preparing to celebrate Reconciliation and Eucharist. Students will learn the parts of the Mass, as well as the actions that accompany them. They will also learn the symbolism behind these actions. In second grade, your student will be learning about God’s love while studying Jesus’ life and teachings.
Along with learning to be a strong follower of God, students will also strengthen their reading skills during second grade. Second grade is a year of highly visible progress in reading and language arts. The major milestones we will accomplish in second grade reading and language arts are developing an extensive sight word vocabulary, applying more complex phonic strategies, writing competently for many purposes, and experiencing a variety of genres.
In second grade math, students will continue to learn more approaches to addition and subtraction and begin to understand the patterns leading to multiplication. Students will also build on their knowledge of measurement and place value to include learning about money and standard units of measure.
Our students will live their faith and continue to learn how to spread kindness and compassion towards others as Jesus did throughout second grade.
Primary Grades

“SCL is more than a school, it's a family. After sending our daughters there we were instantly welcomed with plenty of kindness and felt accepted. A faith-based education, smaller class sizes, good athletic programs, and dedicated teachers are a few reasons why we chose this school for our daughters' education.”
Anton & Sandya Fernando
Crusader Parents & Crusader Parent Alumnus
“St. Catherine Labouré has an amazing, safe community. We have been a part of this community for over 10 years and we love it! Our kids have learned so much and have made many strong friendships! Being a part of the Crusader family has been a great blessing!”
Jimmy & Daina Thomas
Crusader Parents & Crusader Parent Alumnus